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Writer's pictureCraig Henderson

Autistic Children's Haircuts

For many children, getting a haircut can be a stressful experience. But for children with autism, it can be particularly challenging. Sensory issues and difficulty with communication and social interaction can make a trip to the barber or hair salon a daunting prospect. However, with some careful planning and understanding of your child's needs, it is possible to make the experience a positive one.

Here are some tips for parents and caregivers of children with autism to make haircuts more manageable:

1. Preparation is key

Preparation is essential to help children with autism feel more comfortable and in control of the situation. Before the haircut, talk to your child about what to expect. You can show them pictures or videos of the salon or barber shop, and the process of getting a haircut. You can also practice at home, using toy scissors or clippers, to help your child get used to the sensations and sounds of the equipment.

2. Choose the right environment

The environment where the haircut takes place can make a big difference. Some children may find a busy salon overwhelming, with the noise and activity level causing sensory overload. A smaller, quieter salon or even a home haircut may be a better option. You could also consider booking an appointment at a time when the salon is likely to be less busy.

3. Consider the sensory experience

Sensory issues can be a significant challenge for children with autism. The feel of the cape, the sound of the scissors, and the sensation of having hair cut can all be overwhelming. Discuss your child's sensory needs with the stylist, and make any necessary accommodations. For example, you could bring noise-cancelling headphones, or a weighted blanket to help your child feel more secure.

4. Use visual supports

Visual supports can be helpful for children with autism to understand the steps involved in getting a haircut. You can create a visual schedule with pictures or symbols, showing what will happen during the appointment. You could also use a social story, which is a narrative that explains the process and what to expect.

5. Reward positive behavior

Positive reinforcement can be a powerful tool in encouraging good behavior during a haircut. You could offer a reward for sitting still, such as a favorite snack or toy. Praising your child for their bravery and coping skills can also help build confidence and make future haircuts easier.

In conclusion, haircuts can be a challenge for children with autism, but with some preparation and understanding, it is possible to make the experience more manageable. By choosing the right environment, considering sensory needs, using visual supports, and offering positive reinforcement, you can help your child feel more comfortable and in control during their haircut.


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